Małopolska Centre for Entrepreneurship

Małopolska Centre for Entrepreneurship (MCP) is a self-government organisational unit of the Małopolska Region established on 29th October 2007 in order to implement European funds, especially for micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Małopolska. MCP implements tasks commissioned by the regional government and the Management Board: from the Małopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013 in the scope of Priority axis II "Economy of regional opportunity", the aim of which was to increase the competitiveness of the micro, small and medium enterprises and the Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region 2014-2020 in the field of entrepreneurship, social policy and education. 

RPO WM 2014-2020

MCP implements EU funds under the Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region 2014-2020 in the field of:

Priority Axis 1. Knowledge Economy,

Priority Axis 3. Entrepreneurship in Małopolska,

Priority Axis 4. Regional Energy Policy,

Priority Axis 8. Labour Market,

Priority Axis 9. Socially Coherent Region,

Priority Axis 10. Knowledge and Competences,

Priority Axis 11. Revitalisation of Regional Space.

The enterprises sector is directly or indirectly supported by the European Regional Development Fund within axis 1, 3 and 4. Axes 9 and 10 support social inclusion and the development of education and are financed by the European Social Fund. In addition, under 4, 8 and 11 axis financial instruments have been created to support the deep energy modernisation of multi-family residential buildings, setting up a business, urban regeneration and rural renewal.


Measure 1.2 Research and Innovation in Enterprises

Sub-measure 1.2.1 R&D projects of Enterprises

The aid is directed to micro, small and medium enterprises, but also to large companies (provided that they meet certain conditions). Type A projects applies to the implementation of industrial research and experimental development, including demonstration and pilot lines, validation, including the launch of the first production and preparation for implementation of the R&D results in business. Type B projects applies to the R&D stage and the implementation, which is a complementary component to the project of SMEs.

Sub-measure 1.2.2 Infrastructure for R&D in Enterprises

The aim is creating infrastructural conditions in enterprises for R&D activities, focused in particular on creating and introducing new products, processes or services to the economic activity. It includes, among others, investments in research equipment and other types of infrastructure necessary to conduct R&D activities, aimed at starting or expanding the activity of laboratories or R&D departments of enterprises, or creating or developing R&D centres in enterprises. A condition for receiving support and the basis of assessment is a presentation of a research and development plan.

Sub-measure 1.2.3 Vouchers for Innovations (only for SMEs sector)

The intervention concerns the purchase of services in the field of industrial research and / or experimental development, design services, services for the development of a feasibility study for R&D projects, services in the field of advanced market research and pre-implementation analyses, services in the field of quality research and compliance with specific requirements or standards and certification, intellectual property protection services. The maximum level of cofinancing is 90% of eligible costs. The beneficiary chooses the contractor from among: scientific units, entrepreneurs having the status of a R&D centre, independent units which are accredited laboratories or notified laboratories, technology transfer centres, special purpose companies of business environment institutions - innovation centres, patent offices.

Measure 1.3 Centres for Innovations in Małopolska

The funds are directed to business environment institutions - innovation centres and local government units to supplement the infrastructure potential of business environment institutions - innovation centres, in particular R&D infrastructure, necessary to expand the offer of R&D services and / or pro-innovation, for technology companies.
The Małopolska Region also implements a regional programme for the development of knowledge transfer centres that will allow for the incubation of R&D activities among enterprises, in particular entities from the SMEs sector.


Measure 3.2 Promotion of Entrepreneurial Attitudes and BEI Potential

Support can be provided to enterprises in the field of entrepreneurship promotion and creation of entrepreneurial attitudes, among others, through strengthening the system supporting the development process of new companies (SMEs operating on the market for no more than 24 months), including those operating on the basis of new technologies. It is expected to be implemented of the regional entrepreneurship support programme which will serve to strengthen the system supporting the process of initiating, creating and developing new companies.

Undertakings that support the development of new companies through the provision of specialised services by business incubators and academic entrepreneurship centres are allowed within this intervention.

Moreover, activities aimed at increasing the availability of high-quality, specialised and tailored to the needs of SMEs sector consulting services provided by business environment institutions will also be implemented. Projects may include new or significantly improved specialised services as the answer to the needs of SMEs sector.

Measure 3.3 Internationalisation of the Małopolska Economy

Sub-measure 3.3.1 Promotion of the Małopolska Economy

Self-government units, their unions and associations, business environment institutions and non-governmental organisations can take initiatives in the area of economic promotion, both in domestic and international dimension, through promoting the economic offer of the region, supporting Małopolska SMEs with expansion into external markets, promoting the innovation and supporting the investment process in the region.

Sub-measure 3.3.2 International Activity of the Małopolska SMEs

Micro, small and medium enterprises can submit applications for the development and implementation of new business models, in particular for the purpose of internationalisation through: preparation and implementation of an international strategy / plan, participation as an exhibitor in trade fair and exhibition events focused on foreign markets, purchase specialist consulting services on the internationalisation of activities, obtaining the necessary documents authorising the introduction of products or services to the target foreign market, adjusting production (of the product and its properties) or services to the requirements of the target foreign market.

Measure 3.4 Development and Competitiveness of the Małopolska SMEs
Grant support and financial instruments supporting investment projects of the Małopolska SMEs are implemented. Grant support for investment projects is planned to be concentrated on R&D activities and on the production of equipment for generating energy from renewable sources.

Sub-measure 3.4.1 Financial Instruments for SMEs - early stage of development

Support is provided to projects on financial instruments for SMEs at an early stage of development which operates on the market no more than 24 months, i.e. loan instruments. The funds will be allocated to investments and development of subsequent stages of economic maturity of enterprises at the early stage of development.

Sub-measure 3.4.2 Financial Instruments for SMEs – over 24 months

Support covers projects in the field of creating financial instruments for SMEs operating on the market for more than 24 months, i.e. loan instruments. The funds are intended to support investment projects aimed at introducing new or improved products / services to the market, increasing the scale of activity, leading to an increase in the range of the offer by gaining new sales markets.

Sub-measure 3.4.3 Subsidies for SMEs - early stage of development

Cofinancing will allow the implementation of SMEs projects’ operating on the market for no more than 24 months in the field of using the results of R&D activities, patents or utility models to launch new products, processes or services on the market.

Sub-measure 3.4.3 Subsidies for SMEs

Support covers projects of SMEs operating on the market for more than 24 months, in the use of R&D results, patents or utility models to launch new products, processes or services. Support under this type of projects is also directed at the development of SMEs producing final equipment necessary for the production of energy or biocomponents and biofuels of the 2nd and / or the 3rd generation.

Sub-measure 3.4.5 Vouchers for Consulting Services

The sub-measure is implemented as a grant project in which the grant provider distributes grants for the implementation of tasks serving the purpose of this project by grantees. The grant provider will distributes grants (vouchers for consulting services) to the grantees, which are SMEs. Support within vouchers for consulting services must be allowed for a purchase of specialist consultancy services for development (analyses and expertises, economic, marketing and technical law) according to defined enterprise’s needs.


Measure 4.2 Eco-Enterprises

As a result the energy efficiency of enterprises will increase through changes in technological and production processes, comprehensive modernisation of energy-intensive facilities that are the back office of enterprises (e.g. production, services, production and services buildings) and increased use of renewable energy sources.

Measure 4.3 Improving Energy Efficiency in the Public and Housing Sector

Sub-measure 4.3.4 Deep Energy Modernisation of Multi-Family Residential Buildings - a financial instrument

A financial instrument has been created which is directed at supporting the investment of cooperatives and housing communities in the field of deep energy modernisation of multi-family residential buildings together with the replacement of heat sources, including the possibility of using renewable energy sources.


Measure 8.3 Support for Setting up a Business

Sub-measure 8.3.2 Support for Setting up a Business Including Repayable Instruments

The beneficiary directs the loan support for starting a business (up to PLN 70,000) to people who are interested in starting a business, especially to the unemployed (unemployed and inactive).


Measure 9.1 Active Integration

Sub-measure 9.1.1 Active Integration – call for proposal projects only for OPS/PCPR

The sub-measure will allow the implementation of comprehensive programmes for social and vocational activation of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion by social assistance centres (OPS) and local (poviat) family assistance centres (PCPR). In these programmes it is possible to use a wide catalogue of social, vocational or educational activation instruments, the selection of which will depend on the individual needs of people and families covered by support.

Sub-measure 9.1.2 Active Integration – call for proposal projects

The sub-measure envisages the implementation of comprehensive programmes for social and vocational activation of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion by entities with experience in carrying out activities for social inclusion (with the exception of OPS and PCPR). In these programmes it is possible to use a wide catalogue of social, vocational or educational activation instruments, the selection of which will depend on the individual needs of people and families covered by support.

Measure 9.2 Social and Health Services

Sub-measure 9.2.1 Social and Health Services in the Region

Cofinancing covers initiatives that increase the availability and quality of services targeted at dependent people and their caretakers, as well as preventive activities (addressed in particular to children and adolescents and families at risk of dysfunction or experiencing difficulties in performing caring and educational functions). In the field of social and health services, the following activities are carried out:

1. Support for the creation and / or operation of multi-specialist early intervention teams for families with a disabled child or at risk of disability, including pregnant women expecting the birth of a child with a disability or threatened with disability.

2. Implementation of three regional health programmes in the field of early detection of malformations and rehabilitation of children with disabilities and threatened with disability.

3. Support for the creation and / or operation of day support facilities for children and adolescents.

4. Support for telecare projects.

5. Development of environmental forms of long-term care in the indicated list of priority areas (i.e. oncology, psychiatry, geriatrics, as well as in the field of cardiovascular diseases, respiratory system, osteoarticular-muscular system, mother and child care and neurology), in non-hospital forms.

Sub-measure 9.2.2 Care Services and Crisis Intervention – ZIT

The sub-measure provides for the implementation of initiatives increasing the availability and quality of services targeted at dependent people and their caretakers, as well as activities aimed at providing specialist support for people and families affected by the crisis.

Scope of support:

1. Supporting informal caretakers of dependent people by launching caretakers support centres.

2. Support for the creation and / or activity of facilities providing day care and activation of dependent people offering therapeutic and other interactions ensuring the maintenance of optimal psychophysical state, independence and activity of participants and preventing the worsening of dysfunction, as well as the education of dependent people and their informal caretakers.

3. Support for the creation and / or operation of crisis intervention centres, offering support to people and families affected by crisis problems and situations.

Projects under this sub-measure are addressed to the area covered by the Integrated Territorial Investments strategy - the functional city of Kraków - Kraków Metropolis.

Sub-measure 9.2.3 Care Services and Crisis Intervention – SPR

Implementation of projects similar to those of sub-measure 9.2.2, but directed to the area covered by the Subregional Development Programme - the area of ​​the Małopolska Region without Kraków Metropolis.

Measure 9.3 Support for Social Economy
The measure focuses on the implementation by the social economy support centres (OWES) of projects supporting the development of the social economy, including services: local animation, development of the social economy and support for existing social economy entities. In addition, a project selected out of the call for proposal is being implemented to coordinate the development of the social economy in the region.


Measure 10.1 General Education

Sub-measure 10.1.1 Preschool Education - ZIT

Cofinancing for increasing the number of preschool education places and extending the offer of preschool education centres. Creating preschool places is possible both in existing and newly established preschool education centres. The support applies to, among others, adaptation / adaptation of rooms, equipment / retrofitting with the necessary equipment, toys, educational aids, etc., and also includes expenses related to the functioning of kindergarten places, or the organisation of additional classes. The implemented projects should assume equal opportunities for children with special needs (including children with disabilities) so that their fuller participation in preschool education is possible.

Projects under this sub-measure are addressed to the area covered by the Integrated Territorial Investments strategy - the functional city of Kraków - Kraków Metropolis.

Sub-measure 10.1.2 Preschool Education - SPR

Implementation of projects similar to those of sub-measure 10.1.1, but directed to the area covered by the Subregional Development Programme - the area of ​​the Małopolska Region without Kraków Metropolis.

Sub-measure 10.1.3 Education in Schools Providing General Education

The support will cover projects in the field of developing key competences necessary on the labour market - i.e. mathematics and natural skills, foreign language skills (including Polish for foreigners and people returning to Poland and their families), ICT, literacy skills, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, critical thinking, problem solving, learning skills, teamwork in the context of the work environment.

Sub-measure 10.1.4 Educational Cloud in Małopolska
Cofinancing is obtained for tasks aimed at creating an innovative environment for supporting educational processes with ICT based on the cloud model and high-quality multimedia communication in upper secondary and post-primary schools.

Part of the intervention, which will be carried out as part of the coordination project by the regional self-governemnt in partnership with universities, relates to initiating and coordinating the cooperation between universities and schools in the implementation of support in the cloud model as well as programme and methodical aspects of the entire undertaking. The coordination project will also conduct teacher training in the use of modern technologies in teaching general subjects.

As part of the call for proposals, extracurricular activities for students are carried out using modern communication technologies according to scenarios developed under the coordination project.

Sub-measure 10.1.5 Support of Talented Students

The help concerns supporting and developing students' talents as well as developing their interests and stimulating students' educational activity in the area of ​​key competences necessary on the labour market.

The scope of intervention includes the implementation of a regional scholarship programme addressed to talented students as a part of non-call for proposals procedure. In addition, under the sub-measure, support is provided to children in developing skills in key competences, among others, in the formula of extracurricular activities. Activities in this area will be coordinated by the regional self-government, which will allow for better use of tools for diagnosing abilities, reaching a large number of students and schools with activities, as well as facilitating the support of teachers / schools in the field of work with talented students.

Coordination activities are implemented as part of a non-call for proposals project. That also includes preparation and modification of diagnostic tests and other tools necessary to implement the programme as well as preparation of schools for the diagnosis of talents.

Call for proposals projects are also envisaged, the scope of which results directly from the activities undertaken as part of the non-call for proposals project.

Measure 10.2 Vocational Education

Sub-measure 10.2.1 Vocational Education – ZIT

The aid is directed to the creation and development of Vocational Competences Centres (CKZ) and the development of the offer of schools and institutions providing vocational education. It is possible to implement actions assuming:

1. Acquiring additional qualifications by students (in the formal and non-formal system).

2. Creating conditions similar to the real working environment by equipping / retrofitting with modern equipment and teaching materials.

3. Cooperation programmes for schools and institutions providing vocational training with employers - i.e. creating patron classes and organising internships and apprenticeships for students.

4. Educational and vocational counseling and professional orientation - elements of counseling, among others, focused on active job seeking, the possibility of using the services of a vocational counselor.

5. Strengthening cooperation between vocational schools and universities.

6. The development of the staff vocational competences, only as part of a broader project covering more types of operations.

7. Interventions contributing to the increased and full participation of young people with special needs, including disabilities in vocational education.

8. Additional didactic and compensatory classes aimed at leveling educational disproportions.

Projects under this sub-measure are addressed to the area covered by the Integrated Territorial Investments strategy - the functional city of Kraków - Kraków Metropolis.

Sub-measure 10.2.2 Vocational Education – SPR

Implementation of projects similar to those of sub-measure 10.2.1, but directed to the area covered by the Subregional Development Programme - the area of ​​the Małopolska Region without Kraków Metropolis.

Sub-measure 10.2.4 Vocational Education of Adults

In the model of subjective financing of education, support is distributed by the operator / operators selected in the call for proposals.

The operator / operators should provide with access to the widest possible catalogue of courses offered by different types of entities.

Measure 10.3 Development of Competences and Skills of Adults

The undertaken actions support people in raising cross-sectional qualifications, i.e. language skills, mathematical skills as well as learning abilities and motivation, but preceded by an individualised diagnosis and a balance of needs and resources in the field of education and professional situation. Developing the competences and skills of adults is carried out through: training / courses / postgraduate studies / education in school forms, in particular in the field of key competences, i.e. ICT and foreign languages, as well as other qualifications and competences; career councelling and career planning services; activities in the field of confirmation of qualifications.

At the same time, as a part of the sub-measure 10.2.4, complementary support is provided in the field of vocational competences developed in non-school forms.


Measure 11.3 Revitalisation and Renewal Fund in Małopolska

A fund was established which, with the help of financial instruments, supports projects in urban regeneration and rural renewal.

Go to the website of the Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region 2014-2020.

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